Please call before coming in if possible.  In the best interest of your pet, and depending on the seriousness of the case and our ability to treat it, we will either ask you to bring it in or refer to the emergency hospital if near closing. We do not have 24-hour monitored care at currently so some cases are treated and stabilized here and then transferred to the 24-hour pet hospital.

Yes, please call us at 541-388-0262 if you believe there is an emergency so we can prepare for your pet’s needs.

If you need to drop off your pet and leave them for the day so the Doctor can do an exam at some point in the day we recommend doing a “drop off”. Your pet will be checked in by one of the veterinary technicians. This will give you the opportunity to discuss your concerns directly with the hospital staff. Following the exam, the Dr. will call you to give discuss the findings and a time to pick up your pet.

No, prescription drugs require a doctor patient relationship. Just like human doctors, vets are required to examine first time patients before prescribing any prescription meds.

Not typically. We are best prepared to treat your pet at our facility that is well staffed and well equipped. If you are unable to come in we will attempt to find a solution for you by referral to a mobile vet if appropriate.

No, we are a small animal hospital.  We can assist you with your dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, and some reptiles and amphibians.

We routinely request records from pet hospitals both locally and around the country. Just tell us who to call and the patient name and we will take care of the rest.

Vaccines are necessary.  There are many viruses out there which pets are commonly exposed to which can cause severe health issues and in many cases can be fatal.  However, not all vaccines are necessary for every pet.  Non “core” vaccines that may be recommended include vaccinations for Lyme disease, Feline Leukemia Virus, Leptospirosis, Canine Influenza, Rattlesnake  anti-venom, etc.

Which vaccines to give and the frequency of boostering will vary from pet to pet based on the pet’s age, lifestyle, and where they live. We tailor our vaccine protocol to each pet so that your pet will never receive vaccines it doesn’t need.   We base our recommendation on those made by the American Veterinary Medical Association.  Rabies vaccination is required by law. Every dog and cat must be immunized for rabies by 16 weeks of age, and then every 1-3 years thereafter.

Heartworms are contracted from mosquitos. Cases of heartworm are regularly reported throughout the state of Oregon, and all dogs are at risk, even pets that live primarily indoors.  Mosquito populations are capable of rising rapidly if conditions are warm and wet. Your pet’s exposure to parasite-carrying mosquitoes increases with outdoor activities in areas that have high mosquito counts, such as Southern Oregon.  For this reason, we recommend testing once per year for Heartworm disease.  If you are in places with high mosquito counts, keeping your pet on a Heartworm Preventative such as Interceptor is a good idea.

There are many types of prevention out there including some combination flea and intestinal parasite control. Our staff can assist you with which type is best for your pet. Cats are species-resistant to heartworms and typically do not need to be on prevention. However, some common monthly flea control for cats such as Revolution and Advantage Multi are also heartworm preventatives.  For more information on canine and feline heartworm disease, visit

Microchipping is a form of permanent identification that is administered under the skin in the back of the neck. It is administered with a 14 gauge needle and can be painful. It is usually recommended to have your pet microchipped when he or she is under anesthesia for their spay or neuter or dental cleaning. However, many pets will have it done while they are awake. Any pet that shows up at a shelter or that is picked up by animal control will be scanned for a chip in an attempt to reunite it with its owner.

Of course, there is the obvious reason of controlling pet overpopulation by preventing accidental pregnancies. However, there are health reasons as well. Unspayed females will have increased chances of pyometra and other reproductive infections and cancer. Unneutered males will have prostatic enlargement, discomfort, and possible infection or cancer of the prostate as well as the testicles. Neutered males are also less likely to roam or mark their territory. Unless you are planning to breed your pet, there is no disadvantage. Having your pet fixed does not make them fat or lazy!

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